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Keith David

Life from Heaven


From the blissful moment of conception

Sprinkled like pixy dust from heaven

Drifting on cosmic winds and past stars

Souls rest once again where we are

Love found in a mother’s arms

Gentle strength of a father’s charms

Sets spark to flame in the reborn soul

The fight begins once more to be whole

Tainted with vice and blessed with virtue

Innocence lost as age-old battles renew

To love and chance loss or hide away

Conquer sins and spirit grows each day

Searching for true love and the light

Perfection of purpose the final right

Returning to the hands of the creator 

Life lived and shining even brighter

©Keith David, 2011

Her smile


I don’t remember the first time I met her,
But I was young and didn’t have use for girls
Back then, it was toy guns and army men

I remember falling in love with her though
Like it was yesterday, and I was still young
She was radiant, beautiful, and youthful

Dancing and twisting on the inside
Her simple smile gave me chills for days
Anyone else was unimportant, my world changed

Fooling around and got in trouble for her attention
Dad spanked me, but it was worth it
Because she smiled at my craziness

My mom drove on our first date
Movies, I saved for weeks to pay her way
I wanted to, I was proud and she smiled

Friendship to courtship lasting years
Junior and high school sweethearts
Smiling prom queen, I proudly escorted

A simple wedding in the family’s garden
Same priest who baptized us both
Her smile lit my soul and world

Honeymoon full of giggles and fun
Fumbling with buttons and red faces
Touched for the first time, love sealed

Hard work, building a family and home
My partner, my best friend
An amazing wife, devoted mother

We smiled and cried, laughed and fought
Much more good than bad as years rolled
I finished her sentences, she rubbed my back

Grandparent and parents died, friends lost
Children grown and wrinkles deepened 
She still smiled brighter than the sun

I sat one day, trying to imagine life 
Without my wife, my friend, my heart
Unfathomable, devoid of hope, no sunshine

I retired, she still worked so hard
Caring for me, the house and grandchildren
Strong and healthy, always a smile for me

My diagnosis was dire, grim and terminal
Anger, pity then acceptance of what would be
The bed became my world, her task

She tried to smile for me, but didn’t feel it
Holds my hand and brushes my hair
Her warmth and love shine in my soul

Watching her worry while she cares
Staring long moments through the glass
Dreaming or wishing, but not smiling much

Family gathers around my bed
Young priest crosses my head
She sits beside me, full of dread

I see a light growing in my mind
A hand reaches out across time 
To welcome me home

I cannot leave my wife behind
But the light is warm like her sunshine
I open my eyes, and move my mouth

The smell of lilacs and lavender 
Her hair touches my face as whispers exchange
And I am alone for a moment in time

Until the warmth of her light fills my soul
Her hand in mine, we pass together through time
And I feel her smile with me, forever.

©Keith David, 2011



Standing restless on ocean’s shore

Wondering what life has in store

Peaceful calm of a long day’s end

Warm thoughts of a smiling friend

Winds of change swirl and twist

Thoughts drift by like a foggy mist

Fleeting images of a simpler time

Laughing, playing covered in grime

Whatever happened to those days?

Life has become such a maze

Chores to do and bills to pay

Little occasion to laugh and play

Why are we here if not to enjoy?

Instead of being a whipping boy

Precious time slips by so fast

All too soon, it will be past

©Keith David, 2011

Was it your brother?



Was it your brother I saw at graduation?

Primped and flashy, joking and happy

Not a care in the world


Did I see him celebrating with friends?

Saying good byes and giving high fives

Ready to go out and see the world


Was he home for Christmas?

Lean and mean, a real fighting machine

Heading out to conquer the world


Was that him on the TV news?

Camouflage fatigues guarding his colleagues

Noise and violence his world


Was that your brother they buried yesterday?

Flag draped coffin and twenty one guardsmen

Raining and dreary, nothing left in the world


That was our brother, yours and mine

Laid down his life, put it all on the line

Our freedom and peace, his only wish

©Keith David, 2011

Come as we dream


Come as we dream of love and desire

Carried away with passion’s fire

Covered in roses on a warm summer breeze

Cradled together and laughing with ease

Cicadas and crickets sing all day

Carefree and happy, the world melts away

Comforted by touch and gentle caress

Cloaked no more as we undress

Coupled we dance and dreams take flight

Carnal bliss long into the night

©Keith David, 2011



Rainbows streak across the sky

Bright colors dance before my eye

Dreams of gold and silver lay

Upon the end so far away

Light of love shines so bright

Through the clouds and out of sight

There she waits without a care

I’ll waste no time and soon be there

Our hearts will be together once more

Spirits rising, our passions soar


While the rainbow rides so high

The clouds and rain have gone bye, bye

We meet under the spectrums edge

Laughing and kissing we make a pledge

Cast off troubles, shadows and pain

We’ll always meet here after the rain

To love and dance and be so alive

Not just happy to survive

And so we did, my love and me

We captured the rainbow for all to see

©Keith David 2011




“Wondering why some birds stay, while others simply fly away?”

Faces in a crowd appear like images drifting on a cloud

Raining down, passing silently or sometimes sticking around


“Dance here, Run there, Work and Toil everywhere!”

Cosmic strings of light go crack, swirling and churning in the black,

Playing us like a puppet pack, while monkeys frolic on our back.


“What is the key and where can it be, why is it so elusive to me?”

Plodding along, wanting to want not because I need, but simply to feed

Jealousy, envy, desire and greed work on my soul like wind to seed


“Take me away from myself, leave me alone when I can’t be helped!”

Expecting too much, still wanting more, self loathing, pity, anger galore

Trying to hide emotions I deplore, but they wash like waves against the shore


“Tender touch and warm bright heart, more than I deserve, please never part.”

The birds that stay will light my way, choose my path and start today

With your love, we chart a way to make our life a work of art each day


“There is one hope for me, and all I can see, is the way we all should be.”

For any peace or joy that will be, share with friends, but start inside me

And if you agree, please say these words with me, “Let my love shine and blessed be”

©Keith David, 2011


Touch, Feel, Love


Firmly, tightly, holding

Arms, legs, envelop my body

Safety, security, ... comfort


Gently, delicately, barely grazing

Fingertips, back, cover my skin

Lazy, caring, ... heaven


Squeezing, kneading, pressing

Hands, shoulders, your tight muscles

Relax, let go, ... enjoy


Moistly, softly, tenderly

Lips, mouth, tongues dancing together

Tingling, excitement, ... eagerness


Roaming, wandering, unhurried

Skin, skin, hands, exploring the surface

Joy, eagerness,… expectancy


Holding, pinching, sucking

Hands, breasts, lips pulling and licking

Wetness, firmness, ... swelling


Swirling, tasting, lapping

Tongue, lips, clit, teasing the button

Twitches, squeezing,


Pressing, holding, waiting

Bodies, tip, slit, almost entering

Anticipation, hunger, ... passion


Penetrating, filling, encompassing

Sex, sex, opening the heart

Heat, fervor, ... lust


Pumping, pulling, grinding

Cock, pussy, feeding the fire

Paradise, drive, ... need


Pausing, building, uniting

Heart, heart, becoming one

Tightness, togetherness, ... fullness


Touching, knowing, holding

Body, mind, discovering true beauty

Commitment, wholeness, ... oneness


Cumming, squeezing, throbbing

Sex, body, blowing my mind

Release, fatigue ... completeness


Knowing, joining, touching

Heart, soul, we become one

Bliss, ecstasy, ... LOVE

©Keith David, 2010

Searching for Happiness


A small child wanders alone,

feebly searching the emptiness,

groping for clues to Happiness.


Paths marked with false promises,

dead ends and changing definitions

supply bewilderment, trepidation and loneliness.


Elusively evading, undefined and enigmatic,

it offers glimpses, hints and teases of truth,

fueling the need to continue.


Almost imperceptible at times, tiny voices

whisper in the mind of meaning,

directions and guidance along the venue.


Some voices mumble and some yell,

some are evil and some good,

who knows which to pursue?


Looking outward, the child grasps

at others who journey the abyss,

hoping joy will ensue.


It cannot be seized, captured or taken

from without and the adolescent learns

looking inward provides a clearer view.


Inside the mind and heart

a small light; a flame begins burning,

warming and Happiness begins its debut.


Nurtured only from within,

holding hope, peace and goodness

the twinkle begins to renew.


Warily at first, fearing pain and vulernability,

the teenager begins giving away parts of this radiant flicker

to illuminate and comfort a few.


In some the glimmer grows to fire,

others die from misdirection,

neglect, selfishness, and misconstrue.


The adult learns from trials and tribulations,

love given cultivates the glow,

causing it to develop to a stunning hue.


Some burn intense and dazzling,

shooting beams of energy,

lighting the dark empty black and blue.


Others waver, sputtering aimlessly

as the child’s soul searches in vain

for meaning to luck into.


Blessed are the few, who grow

and learn Happiness

can only be found within you.

©Keith David, 2011




Dark storm clouds rumble and roll through the sky

Lightning flash cracks as tumble weeds roll by

Dust devils whirl, animals run and hide

Even the frightened people stay inside

The world seems dark, forbidding and sad

Insanity, pain and confusion drives me mad


But there is the sun finding its way to me

Fighting through clouds for all to see

Lighting the way she dances with my heart

Her beauty and love I pray never part

Hope and wonder of small blessing be

Food for my spirit, my friends sustain me

©Keith David, 2011


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